Welcome to The Family

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013

Obrolan di WC

Kisah lama neh,,,...

Suatu hari, pas gue sedang asyik2 nongkrong
di WC umum, BAB sambil menghayal positif, tiba2
orang dari ruang WC sebelah berkata: "Halo
brow, pa kabar?"
Gue sempat kaget
sesaat, ya ga nyangka
aja gue tenar ampe ke
pengunjung WC2 Umum
gini. Berhubung gue orangnya ramah & ga
sombong, maka gue jwb:

"Kabar gue baik banget
Eh dia nanya lagi: "Gi ngapain lo?"

Gue: "Hahaha... lo pikir sendiri orang kalo di WC
itu ngapain? Main catur?
Hahaha... Ya samalah
sama yg lo lakuin..
Dia diam bentar, tp kemudian nanya lagi: "Gue
boleh ga ke tempat lo?"

Waah gila...!! Kalo ini sih udah kelewatan! Jangan2
dia mau menyakiti gue, maka dgn sedikit berteriak gue jawab:

"Woy Jangaaaan...!! Mau
ngapain lo ke sini?!"
Kemudian gue dengar
orang itu ngomong: "Eh
udah dulu ya, nanti gue
telpon lagi. Soalnya di
sebelah ada orana sarap
dari tadi ngejawab
pertanyaan gue mulu,



*untuk melihat gambar dengan jelas silahkan klik kanan pada gambar kemudian pilih Open Link in New Tab.

Pikiran Memengaruhi Hasil

Pikiran memengaruhi akal dan membuatnya berkonsentrasi pada suatu makna. Otak kemudian membuka file-file yang serupa dengan makna tersebut dan mempengaruhi perasaan Anda. Ada perasaan yang menyala-nyala dan ada yang tenang sesuai dengan pikiran yang ada. Perasaan adalah bahan bakar bagi sikap yang digunakan orang dalam menggerakkan tubuh, mengekspresikan wajah, dan berbicara. Semua itu mendatangkan hasil yang ingin diwujudkan ketika itu. Otak akan mengambil hasil itu dan menyimpannya dalam file khusus dalam memori. Dengan begitu, pikiran semakin kuat dan dalam.

Begitulah mata rantai yang terus berputar: pikiran, konsentrasi, perasaan, sikap, dan hasil. Jika seseorang menilai hasil yang didapat tidak membantunya untuk maju dalam kehidupan, tapi justru menambah beban psikologis dan material, dan ia ingin menggapai hasil lain yang positif, maka yang pertama harus ia lakukan adalah mengubah akar pikiran dalam dirinya. Hal ini mengingatkan saya pada kisah dua sahabat, Samîr dan Mun’im, yang saya temui dalam perjalanan di wilayah Arab.

Setelah sepuluh tahun bekerja di sebuah perusahaan asuransi, pihak manajemen memutuskan menggabung beberapa divisi untuk menekan pengeluaran yang berdampak negatif pada perusahaan. Buntut dari kebijakan ini adalah pengurangan karyawan, termasuk Samîr dan Mun’im. Langkah ini terpaksa diambil karena angka penjualan mereka merosot tajam. Bagi dua sahabat ini, kebijakan perusahaan tak ubahnya mimpi buruk di siang bolong. Mereka merasa telah memberikan yang terbaik untuk perusahaan. Mereka terpaksa keluar dari perusahaan dengan perasaan kecewa.

Samîr segera mencari jalan keluar. Ia berkata kepada temannya, “Percayalah, Allah tidak mungkin membiarkan kita. Dialah yang satu-satunya mengatur rezeki. Karena itu, jangan cemas, Mun’im. Besok kita cari pekerjaan lain. Seperti kita bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan ini, kita pun bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan lain.” Samîr tampak sangat optimis. Mun’im sebaliknya. Ia kelihatan putus asa. Mun’im berkata, “Kamu suka bermimpi, Samîr. Bagaimana mungkin kita bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan lain?! Tidakkah kau melihat sekitarmu? Tidak ada lowongan! Persaingan antarpekerja begitu ketat. Aku yakin kita tersisih. Sebaiknya kita pindah ke daerah lain.”

Dua orang bersahabat itu akhirnya pulang ke rumah masing-masing. Esok harinya, Samîr mulai mencari pekerjaan tapi tidak berhasil. Meski demikian, ia tidak patah arang. Seminggu kemudian, ia mendengar kalimat yang sama, seperti yang diucapkan sahabatnya: “Tidak ada lowongan. Tinggalkan saja surat lamaaran Anda. Jika ada lowongan kami akan menghubungi.” Samîr pun memutuskan untuk menerima pekerjaan lain di luar keahliannya. Yang penting halal dan tidak membuat Allah murka.

Samir mendapatkan pekerjaan sebagai karyawan biasa di sebuah bank. Ia sangat bahagia. Setiap hari ia semakin terampil dan ia mau belajar lebih banyak. Kariernya terus meningkat, begitu pula penghasilannya. Sembari tawakkal kepada Allah, Samîr terus berjuang hingga berhasil menjadi kepala cabang. Di sisi lain, Mun’im sama sekali tidak berusaha mencari pekerjaan. Kehidupannya dikungkung masa lalu dan peristiwa yang menimpanya. Ia hanya bisa mengeluh, “Mereka memecatku sewenang-wenang.” Kondisi jiwanya memburuk dari hari ke hari. Akhirnya, ia stres berat hingga ia merasa tak berguna. Ia berusaha bunuh diri dari sekali. Kehidupannya penuh dengan penderitaan dan beban kejiwaan. Tak ayal, ia kemudian ditangani para dokter di rumah sakit jiwa. Mun’im menderita paranoid termasuk pada orang terdekatnya. Ia menolak perubahan sekecil apa pun. Ia habiskan waktu dengan tidur lama. Ketika bangun, langsung menonton televisi selama berjam-jam agar terhindar dari pikiran tentang perubahan.

Ini contoh kecil tentang kekuatan pikiran dan pengaruhnya. Bagaimana pikiran itu menyebar, meluas, dan membuka data-data lama yang sejenis dengannya. Kemudian pikiran itu membuat Anda berkonsentrasi padanya. Selanjutnya ia memengaruhi perasaan, sikap, dan hasil yang Anda dapatkan. Pikiran itu membuat file baru yang memperkuat dan memperdalam proses pembentukan kepribadian Anda dalam akal bawah sadar.

Pikiranmemiliki kekuatan yang mampu membuat seorang murid semangat. Ia akan giat belajar hingga begadang sampai berhasil menggapai prestasi. Pikiran juga memiliki kekuatan sebaliknya: membuat seorang murid tidak suka pada pelajaran dan guru. Ia tidak punya semangat meraih prestasi hingga mendapat nilai rendah dan tidak naik kelas. Banyak cerita dalam dunia pendidikan dan semua berakar pada pikiran.

Dalam kehidupan rumah tangga, satu pikiran negatif bisa menyebabkan perceraian. Sebaliknya, pikiran positif bisa membuat sepasang suami-istri berbahagia. Pikiran bisa membuat seorang ibu piawai dalam mendidik anak atau membuatnya fokus pada hal-hal negatif hingga sikapnya berlebihan hingga memperburuk keadaan. Semua pekerjaan dan profesi pasti dipengaruhi oleh pikiran para pelakunya. Sebesar apa pun kekayaan dan seluas apa pun relasi seseorang, kebahagiaan dan kesengsaraannya tetap ditentukan oleh pikirannya.

Mungkin kita pernah melihat orang menderita gangguan jiwa karena masa lalu. Ia tidak bisa begerak kecuali dengan menelan obat. Ia selalu meminta dokter memberinya obat dengan dosis yang lebih tinggi karena obat yang ditelan tidak lagi berpengaruh. Ia sering mengeluh bahwa para dokter itu tidak mampu mengobatinya. Karena itu, ia mencari sesuatu atau orang lain yang bisa membantunya. Namun, ia tidak melakukan hal paling penting yang dapat mengeluarkannya dari penderitaan itu: dengan bertanggung jawab pada kehidupannya sendiri, mengubah rutinitasnya, belajar dari pengalaman masa lalu, merencanakan cita-cita, dan mulai berusaha mewujudkannya. Dengan begitu ia pasti merasakan kepuasan batin dan menemukan kembali jati dirinya. Semua itu bisa terjadi, dengan mengubah pikiran negatif menjadi pikiran positif.

Peribahasa Cina mengatakan, “Jika Anda melakukan sesuatu yang sama, Anda akan mendapatkan hasil yang sama.” Aksi melahirkan reaksi sejenis. Filsuf Yunani, Socrates, menyebutnya hukum sebab-akibat. Benih yang Anda semai akan memberikan hasil yang sejenis dengannya. Jika menanam benih apel, Anda akan mendapatkan Apel. Jika menyemai benih anggur, Anda akan mendapatkan anggur. Begitu pula dengan pikiran. Jika Anda menyemai pikiran negatif, hasil yang Anda peroleh adalah hasil yang negatif. Jika Anda tanam benih-benih cinta dan toleransi maka hasil yang Anda dapat sama dengan benih yang Anda tanam.

Pikiran apa pun yang Anda masukkan ke akal akan berubah menjadi perhatian, perasaan, sikap, dan hasil yang serupa. Anda akan terus mendapatkan hasil yang sama selam Anda tidak mengubah akarnya, yaitu pikiran. Plato berkata, “Ubah pikiran Anda, niscaya kehidupan Anda berubah.”[]

Dr. Ibrahim Elfiky (Maestro Motivator Muslim Dunia)

Jumat, 01 Februari 2013


"semua artikel ini adalah copy paste, jadi jangan kaget jika Anda sudah pernah melihat dan membacanya di tempat lain. bagi yang berkepentingan silahkan hubungi nomor hp Admin"
Semua Tentang Pocong

  Pocong itu imut karena satu-satunya hantu yang pake simpul dikepalanya (*kayak permen ajah*).
  pocong nggak bisa ngupil karena idungnya disumpel kapas. Dan tangannya diiket.
(*hai member, bantuin pocongnya ngupil dong*)
  pocong benci sama hujan dan becek…..karena pocongkk bisa terpeleset
  pocong pemanjat yang baik, pocongkk bisa lompat keatas genteng dalam ½ detik.
(*Apalagi kalo ada pak haji lewat*)
  Pocong Kalo mau Be'ol, amat sangat ribet…
  pocong nggak bisa suit dan nggak bakal menang suit…
  pocong nggak bakal pernah menang lawan kuntilanak, karena tangannya diiket.
  pocong pake sendal apa sepatu ya…?
  pocong suka lupa kalau mereka sudah bukan manusia, sehingga mereka suka berada dekat manusia.
*Akibatnya: ngagetin deh BOO !
  pocong termasuk sebangsa amfibi, bisa hidup di dua alam
  pocong termasuk mahluk herbivora, hanya memakan berbagai rupa bunga-bungaan dan getah bernama kemenyan
  Nama latin pocong adalah Homo Gentayanganus
  pocong bisa membuat sebuah Taksi memiliki akselerasi 120 km/jam dalam waktu 5 detik
  Tali pocong perawan/¬perjaka bisa membuat orang jatuh cinta
  pocong bisa digunakan sebagai pengganti guling untuk menemani malam-malammu yang dingin. (*hidup jomblo*)
  pocong bisa sapu bersih piala balap karung 17an agustus di semua RT/RW seantero jagad
  pocong betisnya juga jadi kekar gara2 lompat terus
  pocong cuma keluar malam hari, itu biasanya gara-gara malu sama mukanya sendiri.
  Film paling horor buat pocong adalah ayat-ayat cinta.
  pocong Paling gak enak kalo flu, hidung ingusan, tapi tangan diiket. Gak bisa ngelap. Jadinya ya gitu deh. *Belepotan


Cipto Series

"semua artikel ini adalah copy paste, jadi jangan kaget jika Anda sudah pernah melihat dan membacanya di tempat lain. bagi yang berkepentingan silahkan hubungi nomor hp Admin"
[Cipto Series]

Pulang dari bandar jkt, cipto ke parkiran mobil dalam keadaan Mabok berat..
Sampai di mobilnya dia kaget karena stir mobilnya hilang...
Cipto pun nelpon Polisi

Cipto: pak polisi, tolong mobil saya stirnya di curi orang...

Polisi: apa saja yg hilang?

Cipto: Stir, spion juga hilang....

Polisi: ok sy meluncur ke sana. Bapak dimana...?!

Cipto: eit... Tunggu pak polisi...

Polisi: apa lagi...?!!

Cipto: maap.. Td rupanya saya salah masuk... Sy menghadap ke kaca belakang mobil...
Pantes kok stirnya ga ada....

#Tut.... Tut.... Tut....



I've been traveling for so long
So lost till I stumbled upon
Two roads in front of me
I had to take my time

To the right I could see a church
I took a step in that direction first
But to the left there was a watering hole
Where they were whiskey drunk
Now that's where I wanna be
I fly to the edges of it all

If I was perfect
Then this would be easy
Either roads plausible
On both I could drown
I walk through center
With no rules to guide me
I realize it's difficult
But now I can see

There's gotta be another way to go
A way that's much more feasible
A combination of all these lies,
A central path without choosing a side

I make decisions one at a time
And no I never say I'm always right
I'm confident that when I stand on my own
You'll see the truest form of a man
when I'm shining through
I fly to the edges of it all

If I was perfect
Then this would be easy
Either roads plausible
On both I could drown
I walk through center
With no rules to guide me
I realize it's difficult
But now I can see

Oh, I hear them now
All the religious rhymes
(Anger I see)
(Anger I see)
(Anger I see now)

The left isn't better
It's just more of the same
Condemning all these people
For what they believe

I climb to the top
of their mountain again
No one is gonna see me this way
And the closer to the top I get
The more they can gain
But I'm not you

I may not be perfect
But I've always been true
I may not be worthy
In your eyes
Climbed up from the bottom
For the last time
The last one the last one
The last time

If I was perfect
Then this would be easy
Either roads plausible
On both I could drown
I walk through center
With no rules to guide me
I realize it's difficult
But now I can see

Critical Acclaim

Shhh… quiet you might piss somebody off
Like me motherfucker you've been at it for too long
While you feed off others' insecurities
You stand in front of me and bite the hand that feeds

Self-righteousness is wearing thin
(Lies inside your head, your best friend)
I'll bleed but not for fellow men
(Broken glass, your fake reflection)

Telling them it's all for something real
Don't respect the words you're speaking
Gone too far

So how does it feel to know that someone's kid
in the heart of America has blood on their hands
fighting to defend your rights
so you can maintain a lifestyle
that insults his family's existence
Well, where I come from we have a special
salute waved high in the air
to all those pompous assholes
who spend their days pointing fingers
(Fuck You)

Shhh… quiet you might piss somebody off
Like the heartbeat of this country when antagonized too long
I'll be damned if you count me in as part of your generous hypocrisy
collected and amazed

Tabloid gossip we want less real
(There's no need for us to bury you)
Selfish agenda once again
(Right this way you've dug your own grave)

Telling them it's all for something real
Don't respect the words you're speaking
Gone too far

All the way from the east to the west we've
got this high society
looking down on their very foundation
constantly reminding us that our actions
are the cause of all their problems
Pointing their fingers in every
direction and blaming their
own nation for who wins elections
They've never contributed a fucking thing to the
country they love to criticize

Excuse the obscene, ignore the untrue
Depictions we see try and get through
Admitting mistakes can hurt
I'm not the last but I sure ain't the first

Shhh… quiet you might piss somebody off

Self-righteousness is wearing thin
(Lies inside your head your best friend)
Heart bleeds but not for fellow men
(Broken glass your fake reflection)

Telling them it's all for something real
Don't respect the words you're speaking
Gone too far

Clairvoyant Disease

Dust begins to fall, to the ground
The air is cold and thin
Thoughts are haunting me as I look around
This will never end and I'll bleed forever

Don't acknowledge right, just dwell on wrong
This spot in hell's where I belong
I've come so far - it's been so long
Don't know why it started or where it came from

Outside shell is strong - confident
But slowly eats away
Like a man plagued with disease, I try to fight
Through my pores it seems to seep...
I'll bleed forever

And you sit there and do nothing
You're content with doing nothing

There's nowhere to run and hide
when you're living to die
Stuck alone inside your head,
better off dead
The phone would ring in the empty house,
no one's around.

But in my life, I wanted more, I needed more
I taste more

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Chapter Four

(give me your hand,
conceived and born was one of light
blood is spilt and man will follow
infernal man,
rain and dark, the other born black night
punishment too great to bear)

Raise your head and taste the courage
(the one of light)
Fall from grace, unholy night
I've come here to kill you,
won't leave until you've died
Murder born of vengeance,
I closed my brothers eyes tonight...

Its cold tonight as the clouds turn grey
and from my hands to my brothers grave
You took his side, you took his gift,
feel the power of a fallen man, crestfallen man...

Far away in this land I must go,
out of the site of the One.
A punishment sent from his hand
a hardship no one should know
Now go out of the site of the One,
away in this land you must go.

Where has he gone? What have you done?
A voice commands from high above this earth.
From the soil I hear his blood cry out to me

Burn It Down

Jealousy's an ugly word, but you don't seem to care
Converse behind my back, but now I'm here
Need no one to comply with me though everyone that I defeat
Don't need you, fuck camaraderie, this rage will never go away

Hatred fuels my blood, I'll burn you down (you can't help me)
One king to watch the horsemen fall, I'll fight 'til the end (I won't help you)
I can't trust anyone, see it in my eyes
Now I can understand, it's sorrow that feeds your lies

You're on my back when the water gets too deep for you to breath
A crutch for you that won't always be there
Hide in the dark another day, the fear in you is here to stay
So keep the fuck away from me and learn to trust the words I say

Hatred fuels my blood, I'll burn you down (you can't help me)
One king to watch the horsemen fall, I'll fight 'til the end (I won't help you)
I can't trust anyone, witness and see it in my eyes
Now I can understand, put faith in you for the last time
It's sorrow that feeds your lies

Run from me before I tear you down (be afraid)
You chose the wrong side (it feels so right)
I won't help you, let you rot away (despite what you say
Run towards the light exposing your soul (we won't be there by your side)
Salvation's dying (somebody's crying)
We're all gone in the end, sweet child we'll miss you
No, so far away

Falling away, can't turn back time
Burn it down anyway

Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Buried Alive

Take the time just to listen
When the voices screaming are much too loud
Take a look in the distance
Try and see it all

Chances are that you might find
That we share a common discomfort now
I feel I'm walking a fine line
Tell me only if it's real

Still I'm on my way
(On and on it goes)
Vacant hope to take

I can't live in here for another day
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
And it seems I've been buried alive

I walk the fields through the fire
Taking steps until I found solid ground
Followed dreams, reaching higher
Couldn't survive the fall

Much has changed since the last time
And I feel a little less certain now
You know I jumped at the first sign
Tell me only if it's real

Memories seem to fade
(On and on it goes)
Wash my view away

I can't live in here for another day
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
And I'm chained like a slave
Trapped in the dark
Slammed all the locks
Death calls my name
And it seems I've been buried alive

Take you down now
Burn it all out
Throw you all around
Get your fuckin' HANDS OFF ME!

What's it feel like?
Took the wrong route
Watch it fall apart
Now you're knockin' AT THE WRONG GATE!

For you to pay the toll
A price for you alone
The only deal you'll find
I'll gladly take your soul

While it seems sick
Sober up quick
Psycho lunatic crushing you with

Shame to find out
When it's too late
But you're all the same
Trapped inside INFERNO AWAITS!

Evil thoughts can hide
I'll help release the mind
I'll peel away the skin
Release the dark within

This is now your life
Strike you from the light
This is now your life
Die, buried alive [x3]

Brompton Coctail

(Out of time...)
Doc, I'm dying, I'm feeling compromised (feeling compromised)
and so dehumanized (and so dehumanized)
I lost my final fight to disease, I feel that this is where it ends
I need that shot to enter my vein
My Brompton Cocktail blend

'Cause I can't feel my face
I won't struggle on
In a world so cold
In a world so wrong

I'm not running away, been fighting this so long (so long)
Such a price that we pay, we gotta be so strong
in a lie...

I'm tired, induced euphoria (induced euphoria)
to help me move along (help me move along)
I wanna meet my maker in peace, I want to feel alive again
So put that smile back on my face and mix it strong my friend

'Cause I can't feel my face
I won't struggle on
In a world so cold
In a world so wrong

I'm not running away, been fighting this so long (so long)
Such a price that we pay, we gotta be so strong
And I take my life tonight 'cause I have the right to die how I wanna
and leave how I arrived, so alive

I believe my sins they'll be forgiven
and I believe my choice will save me from this life
please don't question why
my sins they'll be forgotten
I believe I'll find peace in afterlife
please don't question why
I left this way

'Cause I can't feel my face
I won't struggle on
In a world so cold
In a world so wrong

I'm not running away, been fighting this so long (so long)
Such a price that we pay, we gotta be so strong
And I take my life tonight 'cause I have the right to die how I wanna
and leave how I arrived, so alive

Blinded in Chains

And we're at it again, I turn around another fucking war, man
I don't know where to begin, but I'll start with the radical leaders
Their steps we're followin'

Running, don't go back and fight, too many you'll lose
(And as clowns you follow suit behind the blood between the red and white and blue but it's too deep for you to see and
everyone eventually will take the step cause it's in sight you take the left I'll take the right I fell the hate you've built
for me and I say pay attention baby)

As they thank the Lord the blind can't see
Like a plague fed to the brain, deadly disease

But it wasn't a sin, a sorry life in judging every action
And as they're feeding your mind with this shit you forgot
How to speak how to ask all the questions

The business at hand tonight, make the people choose
(I see another side in you but there's not much more I can do from on the outside looking in your government is listenin' to
push you on the story of immortal father mortal son give them your mind and all your wealth the cycle will rebirth itself)
If they had it their way I'd burn in Hell and your future's a fuckin' disaster can't you see
Don't give them all the power when your future's in desperate trouble baby

As they thank the Lord the blind can't see
Like a plague fed to the brain, deadly disease
I'd run away tonight with my mind still intact you gotta make it alright
Easier said than done with no place to hide and having no place to
Running away from condition, I see you but you're running away from
Your scared seductive system

Most would claim I live a lie when pointing out it's easy to predict these things
Every color has its side, they live together vote and most won't read between these lines
Please help us, please save us of coarse they have control we're all the same
Up on the cross, crucified their problem drove the nail and let Him rot
Family and friends, it won't matter in the end I'm sure they'll understand Now look at the world and see how the humans bleed
As I sit up here and wonder "bout how you sold your mind, body and soul
Looking at the fields so green I know this sounds obscene
I see you're living for tomorrow but decisions you have made will leave you empty

As they thank the Lord the blind can't see
Like a plague fed to the brain, deadly disease
I'd run away tonight with my mind still intact you gotta make it alright
Easier said than done with no place to hide and having no place to run . . .

You've fallen asleep in denial
Look at the way we're dyin'
How it ends I'll never know
Just live your life blind like me

Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Pikiran Memengaruhi Sikap

Sampai sekarang kita masih bicara tentang kekuatan pikiran dan pengaruhnya terhadap akal yang membuat Anda berkonsentrasi pada sesuatu. Konsentrasi ini menyebabkan lahirnya perasaan tertentu dalam diri Anda. Selanjutnya perasaan mendorong Anda untuk bersikap. Saat ini terlihat ekspresi wajah dan tubuh Anda bergerak untuk menguatkan ucapan Anda. Penggerak utama semua itu adalah pikiran.

Para ilmuwan membagi sikap menjadi tiga. Sebelum menjelaskan detail setiap bagian, ada satu prinsip yang harus Anda ketahui, yaitu:

“Manusia Bukan Sikapnya”

Manusia adalah ciptaan-Allah yang paling sempurna. Ia dibentuk oleh kehidupan, pengetahuan, nilai-nilai, dan keyakinan yang melahirkan sikap. Karena itu, lebih dari 90% sikap kita bersifat spontan, terjadi tanpa pertimbangan logis. Sikap kita sering terjadi karena kebiasaan dan pengaruh dari luar. Jangan melakukan generalisasi hingga Anda mengatakan bahwa “orang tertentu sebagai sosok yang negatif” “istriku payah”, dan “anakku gagal”. Sebab, yang Anda vonis adlah sikap, bukan manusianya. Jangan pula mengatakan diri Anda gagal, cemas, takut, atau bersikap negatif lainnya. Bedakan antara diri Anda dengan sikap Anda. Anda bukan rasa takut, cemas, atau gugup. Semua itu terjadi karena ada kondisi yang membuat Anda berpikir takut atau cemas. Kondisi inilah yang membuat Anda tidak bisa tampil sebagai makhluk-Allah yang paling sempurna.

Setelah mengetahui bahwa sikap tidak menggambarkan hakikat kita sebagai makhluk yang paling sempurna, tapi sesuatu yang diprogram oleh dunia luar hingga terjadi secara spontan, sekarang akan saya paparkan setiap sikap secara detail:

1.    Sikap memusuhi atau menyerang
Sikap ini memiliki sifat buas. Karena itu, beberapa psikilog menyebutnya sebagai sikap buas. Sikap ini terjadi pada seseorang jika ada bahaya yang mengancamnya atau ada sesuatu yang menghalanginya dalam mewujudkan suatu keinginan. Mungkin juga penyebabnya adalah rasa takut, tidak percaya diri, dan tidak mampu mengontrol keadaan dengan cara lain. Dalam kondisi seperti ini, ucapan seseorang cenderung kasar, meledak-ledak, akan menyerang, dan ekspresi wajahnya berubah. Seseorang menggunakan sikap ini untuk menghindar dari tanggung jawab atau memaksakan pendapatnya pada orang lain.

2.    Sikap taat dan menerima
Sikap semacam ini digunakan seseorang karena beberapa sebab, antara lain:

•    Menghindari bentrok dengan orang lain,
•    Menghindari tantangan,
•    Menghindari dampak negatif tantangan, dan
•    Tidak ingin jadi pusat perhatian.

Sebab-sebab itu bersumber pada rasa takut menghadapi tantangan dan akibatnya. Bisa juga karena penerimaan masyarakat yang dianggap penting oleh seseorang. Oleh karena itu, ia tidak ingin mengecewakan orang lain. Ia ingin tetap diterima oleh masyarakat hingga ia rela mengurangi haknya. Ia tidak berkata “tidak” pada siapa pun. Dengan cara seperti itu, ia merasa tenang karena terhindar dari konflik dan merasa selalu diterima oleh masyarakat. Orang seperti ini bisa jadi dimanfaatkan oleh orang lain hingga ia akan merugi.

Secara umum kita melihat orang menggunakan sikap ini sebagai cara beradaptasi dengan lingkungan. Ada kalanya sikap ini membuatnya merasa frustasi dan merasa lebih kecil dari orang lain hingga melahirkan rasa tidak percaya diri untuk menentukan sikap. Dalam beberapa kesempatan, orang seperti ini menghadapi beberapa masalah, rendah diri (minder), merasa gagal, cemas, dan takut yang merupakan penyakit. Mentalnya tidak akan stabil dalam bersosialisasi.

3.    Sikap tegas dan percaya diri
Konon, sikap tegas dan percaya diri ini berbeda pada kaum laki-laki dan perempuan. Laki-laki dengan sikap ini pasti memiliki kemampuan mengendalikan segala sesuatu dan mampu mengontrol diri dalam berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Perempuan dengan semacam ini menguasai dan menjadi sosok diktator. Ia ingin menunjukkan pada orang lain bahwa dirinya mampu memikul tanggung jawab karena kapasitas dan keterampilan yang ia miliki.

Sebuah lembaga kajian di New York memberikan pemahaman tentang sikap tegas dan percaya diri sebagai kemampuan mengontrol diri secara sempurna dengan amanah dan ikhlas sesuai dengan tuntutan yang ada. Sikap ini membuat semua orang merasa sama hingga meningkatkan keuntungan, baik secara pribadi atau di dunia kerja. Orang yang memiliki sikap seperti ini selalu mencari cara baru untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan kemampuannya agar selalu berprestasi.[]

Dr. Ibrahim Elfiky (Maestro Motivator Muslim Dunia)


Passion in my eyes, I lived it everyday, but how could you go throw it all away?
In my dreams it's me and you, it's there I saw it all come true
As time went by faith in you grew, so one thing's left for me to do (finish you)

I feel it burn inside, burn in me like the rising sun
Lifted into the sky, took the only thing I loved
I know after tonight all your power crumbles in my arms
So don't worry, I'll be fine, when my life ends, I'll leave this scar

A smoking gun in your hand, now don't you realize what you've done
Put a bullet in his back, your hero since you were so young
How could you kill the man who brought salvation through your pain
He must mean everything to end it all this shameful way

I started here so young and helped you get along
Just did it for the love, and people healed through us
Don't live you life in vain, don't take it out on me
You're cracked, so just remember, I'm not your enemy
I don't deserve to fall this way, by a man who felt betrayed

I felt so down now you're around to rescue me
Every note and every word i'm listening
Sometimes problems seem too deep to take
Sometimes I cry thinking my future looks so bleak
Finally, together we were destined, I know what's best for us in the end
Someone hear me, someone stop me, someone listen, why aren't you listening?

Beast and The Harlot

This shining city built of gold, a far cry from innocence,
There's more than meets the eye round here, look to the waters of the deep.
A city of evil.
There sat a seven-headed beast, ten horns raised from his head.
Symbolic woman sits on his throne, but hatred strips her and leaves her naked.
The Beast and the Harlot.

She's a dwelling place for demons.
She's a cage for every unclean spirit, every filthy bird
and makes us drink the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings.
Fallen now is Babylon the Great.

The city dressed in jewels and gold, fine linen, myrrh with pearls.
Her plagues have come all at once as her mourners watch her burn.
Destroyed in an hour.
Merchants and captains of the world, sailors, navigators too.
Will weep and mourn this loss with her sins piled to the sky,
The Beast and the Harlot.

She's a dwelling place for demons.
She's a cage for every unclean spirit, every filthy bird
and makes us drink the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings.
Fallen now is Babylon the Great.

The day has come for all us sinners.
If you're not a servant, you'll be struck to the ground.
Flee the burning, greedy city.
Lookin' back on her to see there's nothing around.

I don't believe in fairytales and no one wants to go to hell.
You've made the wrong decision and it's easy to see.
Now if you wanna serve above or be a king below with us,
You're welcome to the city where your future is set forever.

She's a dwelling place for demons.
She's a cage for every unclean spirit, every filthy bird
and makes us drink the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings.
Fallen now is Babylon the Great.

She's a dwelling place for demons.
She's a cage for every unclean spirit, eery filthy bird
and makes us drink the poisoned wine to fornicating with our kings.
Fallen now is Babylon the Great.

Bat Country

He who makes a beast out of himself
Gets rid of the pain of being a man

Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay.

I tried to drive all through the night,
The heat stroke ridden weather,
the barren empty sights.
No oasis here to see,
the sand is singing deathless words to me.

Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).
No one can save me
and you know I don't want the attention.

As I adjust to my new sights the rarely tired lights
will take me to new heights.
My hand is on the trigger I'm ready to ignite.
Tomorrow might not make it but everything's all right.
Mental fiction follows me;
show me what it's like to be set free.

Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction.
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone).
No one can save me and you know
I don't want the attention.

So sorry you're not here
I've been sane too long my vision's so unclear.
Now take a trip with me
but don't be surprised
when things aren't what they seem.

Caught here in a fiery blaze,
won't lose my will to stay.
These eyes won't see the same,
after I flip today.

Sometimes I don't know
why we'd rather live than die,
We look up towards the sky
for answers to our lives.
We may get some solutions
but more just pass us by,
Don't want your absolution
cause I can't make it right.
I'll make a beast out of myself,
gets rid of all the pain of being a man.

Can't you help me
as I'm startin' to burn (all alone).
Too many doses
and I'm starting to get an attraction.
My confidence is leaving me
on my own (all alone).
No one can save me and you know
I don't want the attention.

So sorry you're not here
I've been sane too long my vision's so unclear.
Now take a trip with me
but don't be surprised
when things aren't what they seem.
I've known it from the start all these good ideas
will tear your brain apart.
Scared but you can follow me
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.